Stargon Browser 6.1.0

  • Improved web loading speed.
  • Added QR code function.
  • Added auto-rotation function when full screen video.
  • Other bug fixes and optimizations.


The specific update details are as follows.

  • Improving web loading speed refers to the speed at which web pages are displayed. We have improved it to run faster and more smoothly on heavy pages than the previous version.
  • The QR code scanner function not only scans with a camera, but also adds a selection option to recognize QR codes by capturing web screens and loading image files.
  • The full screen video has been changed to automatically rotate and lock the screen to landscape mode or portrait mode depending on the ratio of the video. An option has been added so that you can use it as before by clicking the rotation icon. Additionally, when video playback is stopped or complete, the screen has been modified to turn off depending on the device settings.

Other bugs include fixing the phenomenon of the web screen being enlarged when using the “Find Text” function, and fixing various abnormal termination phenomena. In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed.

I would like to thank those who provided comments.
thank you



17 responses to “Stargon Browser 6.1.0”

    • My guess is that the address was entered incorrectly in the settings and homepage in the past. I think the conflict occurred when I entered an incorrect homepage address. Of course, we are sorry that we did not anticipate that this problem would occur. It will be updated soon, but it seems there is no other way to solve this problem in the current version other than reinstalling. We apologize for any inconvenience.

      • What’s with the security option on the do not track button? When it’s turned on, it always turns off again. many of the buttons on these features are annoying and very finicky to control

    • There is an adblock feature which is also very finicky to control, when you activate it to turn on ad blocking, it turns off again. what’s with the buttons? Are the star gone

  1. suddenly the browser turns off or closes when pressing settings and strangely there are many buttons that are very finicky to control or configure, such as the ad block feature that has been activated to turn on but always turns back off

  2. 6.1.0 and 6.1.1

    Impossible to set a homepage. When restarted the browser, the settimg reset to last page visited. Pleae fix

  3. lot of bugs in 6.1.1. please update

    setting of home page and “don’t track” resetting every time open browser.

  4. Sto usando Stargon 6.0.1 perché le nuove versioni sono piene di bug.
    Si può sapere quando cazzo aggiorni? Il browser è il migliore, ma ultimamente lo stai peggiorando.
    Vogliamo un aggiornamento serio e SUBITO! Muoviti

    • Ci scusiamo per gli eventuali disagi. Sembra che ci siano stati molti bug nel recente processo di ottimizzazione. D’ora in poi ci concentreremo solo sulla correzione dei bug.

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