Sponsor us

Please support the Stargon browser.


Thank you for always loving and using the Stargon browser.

Our Stargon browser has been steadily developed with the goal of becoming a more convenient browser than any other browser.

There have been many difficulties while developing the Stargon browser. Unlike other browsers, we don’t include banner ads and video ads, so the revenue from our Stargon browser is very small.

So we need your help and support to develop the Stargon browser.

How to sponsor

Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/100240
Toonation: https://toon.at/donate/stargon
Shinhan Bank: Account Number (100029145828), SWIFT Code (SHBKKRSEXXX), Account Title (Onecook Co.,Ltd.), Address (120, 2-GA, TAEPYUNG-RO, CHUNG-GU, SEOUL, KOREA)

Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ripplecoin, etc.)

If the person who has sponsored us sends us the necessary functions or suggestions by e-mail, we will try to take priority as possible.

Sponsor-only e-mail: [email protected]

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