Stargon Browser 5.6.1

  • Bug fixes.


This version is a bug patch version, and there is a problem that bookmark links do not work normally when swipe for/backward is OFF, so we patched first.

Thank you to those who commented.

thank you


17 responses to “Stargon Browser 5.6.1”

  1. Says you can download videos but I can’t on YouTube through this browser’s advertised function.

    • To upload your app to the Google Play Store, you need to exclude the YouTube download function. Inevitably excluded due to Google policy.

  2. Hello,

    minor bug report! ^^

    If you want to delete more than one bookmark, it always asks “Permanently delete 5 items?”- even if you mark only 2 or 3 for deletion! Same goes for more than 5 bookmarks, it always “counts” 5.

    Nevertheless deletion of bookmarks is fine, so it’s not a big problem.

    Thank you!

  3. oh ok, not on ZArchiver import bookmark because may not work.

    I was feeling stress, setup Stargon Browser for login websites hahaha.

  4. Hi! I am wondering if it is possible to save/export all open tabs? I don’t seem to be able to find this in the menus. I usually have around 40-60 tabs open and I’d like to move them to a different device sometimes.

    Thank you for your time and effort. I very much appreciate this browser development. Please take care and stay healthy. 🙂

    • hi,
      Sorry for the very late reply.
      For tabs, not yet implemented. We will consider this when the number of users increases in the future.

    • It seems to be caused by the market app not being installed on the Android. First of all, we will take measures to prevent conflicts in the next version. Thanks for your comments.

  5. Hi, can you add a Pull Request on the bitwarden repo to support stargon please.

    The Bitwarden emoloyee wrote :
    “Currently additional browser support on mobile is PR (Pull Request) only…..”

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