Stargon Browser 4.9.8

Major update history

  • Improved rendering and scrolling behavior.
  • Copy and share download link has been added to the menu.
  • Optimizations and bug fixes.


This version mainly improves the rendering performance related to scrolling.
Reduced memory usage caused by scrolling issues and frequent screen updates.
It will be smoother and the battery performance will be improved.
The problem of the bottom disappearing on some sites has also been resolved.

There have been a lot of reports about download speed lately.
Currently, general file downloads are downloads through a single connection, so if the server speed is slow, the reception speed will also be slow.
You can think of it as a normal download method. In the future, we plan to support parallel download (file split method).
(Video downloads have been supported for a long time.)
Before that, to solve some of the above problems, a link copy and share function was added to the download pop-up menu.

And there were fixes for bugs that could be resolved.
Because most of the reports were not confirmed, there were many parts that could not be corrected.
In the future, we will look at each one again and develop it.

Thank you to those who reported and supported.
thank you ^^


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