Stargon browser 4.2.0

  • Major update history
  1. “Download Manager” has been added.
  2. Voice search has been added.
  3. Some features have been added or changed.
  4. Bug fixes.


Greetings with an update after about two months. It took a lot of time to think about it as we developed it with consideration for future updates. We will try to update quickly from the next update.

  1. The “Download Manager” function has been added in this version. Implemented bottom menu -> library. All web downloads can be found here. You can check the download progress, and you can download the file again after deleting it. However, in most cases, the cookies may expire and the download address may change after a certain period of time on the website, so download may not be possible.
  2. A voice search function has been added to the menu location on the right side of the address bar. When I hit the url address, it shows the microphone icon instead of the menu. Click the microphone icon to perform a voice search.
  3. Some features have been added or changed. Changed or added as below.
    Added select all function to image (video) download.
    A search function has been added to the Archive.
    Added “Open with external app” setting function to the Archive menu.
    Menu -> Gallery function has been changed to Manufacturer Gallery due to Google policy (minimize storage permission) on November 1.
    Removed the “Upload Image” feature when uploading from the web. To upload an image, select “Album”, “Document” or “File” in the upload method pop-up.
    The “Text Editor” and “Image Editing” functions, which were lost due to the removal of Stargon Gallery, will be upgraded and added to the lower menu.
  4. Bug fixes have been made. Many reported bugs were not fixed in this version. In the next version, we will try to find out more about the bugs you reported and fix them.
    “Sponsor” with in-app payment has been added to settings within the app.

Finally, we would like to thank the users who provided feedback.

Thank you.

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